Aug 27, 2018
Building an Italian Pizza Oven
I have done it at last. After years of yearning I have finally taken the plunge and built a pizza oven. And what a pizza oven it is!
May 16, 2018
Giro d'Italia comes to Penne
The 101st Giro D’Italia arrived in Penne on Sunday the 13th May to host the start of stage 10 of a race that covers 3500 kilometres with...
Apr 15, 2018
Emigration from the Abruzzo
Abruzzo emigration and how people are now tracing their roots.
Nov 11, 2016
Plague, Pestilence and Brimstone
I have been learning about some of the harsher realities of farming and at the same time experiencing some of the volatility of our...
Sep 14, 2016
My Other (Italian) Family
I have been in Italy for the past week doing early preparations for the harvest: we have become very close to a local family who farm land n
Oct 1, 2015
Mussolini, kebabs & Clint Eastwood. The curious history around Casa Del Colle
The Campo Imperatore plateau in the Gran Sasso mountain range is without doubt one of the most spectacular sights I have ever seen; 200...